Date todayDate =;
List<Contact> contacts = [SELECT Name, Title, Linkedin__c, Email FROM Contact WHERE Expected_Follow_Up_Date__c < :todayDate];
Date lastWeekDate =;
Note: need to use since can be edited during testing.
Add List to List
List<Contact> contacts1 = New List<Contact>();
List<Contact> contacts2 = New List<Contact>();
Pass List as parameter
List<Opportunity> opportunities = ApplicationController.create(new List<ApplicationController.OpportunityDetail>{
new ApplicationController.OpportunityDetail(opportunities[0].Id),
new ApplicationController.OpportunityDetail(opportunities[1].Id)
// JSON string representing a list of contacts
String contactsJson = '[' +
'{"FirstName": "John", "LastName": "Doe", "Email": ""},' +
'{"FirstName": "Jane", "LastName": "Smith", "Email": ""}' +
// Deserialize the JSON string into a List<Contact>
List<Contact> contacts = (List<Contact>) JSON.deserialize(contactsJson, List<Contact>.class);
// Print the deserialized contacts
for (Contact contact : contacts) {
System.debug('Contact: ' + contact.FirstName + ' ' + contact.LastName + ', Email: ' + contact.Email);
// Output
// Contact: John Doe, Email:
// Contact: Jane Smith, Email:
List of String
// JSON string representing a list of strings
String stringsJson = '["Apple", "Banana", "Orange"]';
// Deserialize the JSON string into a List<String>
List<String> fruits = (List<String>) JSON.deserialize(stringsJson, List<String>.class);
// Print the deserialized strings
for (String fruit : fruits) {
System.debug('Fruit: ' + fruit);
// Output
// Fruit: Apple
// Fruit: Banana
// Fruit: Orange
From JSON string
public class Person {
public String name;
public Integer age;
public String email;
// JSON string representing a person
String jsonString = '{"name":"John Doe","age":30,"email":""}';
// Deserialize the JSON string into a Person object
Person person = (Person) JSON.deserialize(jsonString, Person.class);
// Access the deserialized properties
System.debug(; // Output: John Doe
System.debug(person.age); // Output: 30
System.debug(; // Output:
To generate an Apex class from a JSON object automatically, you can use JSON2Apex.